Some of my photos

Private flying in the 70's

Frankrikes GP
Clermont-Ferrand 1972

F1 Scandinavian Raceway
Anderstorp 1973

Renovating a De Tomaso Mangusta, 1975-76

Las Vegas, San Fransisco

L Vegas, S Fransisco-Chicago
All my ancestors - as far as my research has taken me - are here.
Life sucks...

360° panorama

Panorama images


Here are some Java games I have written that you can download.
Stockholm in 360°
- some panoramas
You can pay me a 360° visit here.
Some 360° panoramas in the house at Allhelgonagatan 8
...or maybe take the 360° panoramic tour at Eniro.
Rebuilding Slussen
Here you can see how ESO's ELT is growing
Here is a gallery with Stephi's drawings